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One foot in – One foot out

Writer's picture: Carol WawrychukCarol Wawrychuk

So now we hope to keep one foot in our historic denomination and tradition, grateful for all it gave us, and we put the other foot in prayer groups, service groups, support groups, and meditation groups. That is a rather creative, positive, and hopeful way of renewing the church: no longer seeking to be right, but getting down to the practical work of our own transformation and the transformation of our world.               

Dancing Standing Still:  Healing the World from a Place of Prayer       ~ Richard Rohr

“The edge of the inside” Richard Rohr calls it.  One foot in.  One foot out.

OMG. . .in so many ways.  

That’s  me.  That has been me.  For a while.  Only I didn’t know how to describe it.

Finding God all over the place!  Listening to the Divine inside of me.  Questioning beliefs.  Perplexed by church doctrines.   Reexamining traditions.

OMG. . .in so many ways.  What a journey!  

Hesitant to speak my truth.  Not wanting to have one foot out.  Liking the space of an insider.  Only can’t stay in that secure place any longer.  Doesn’t work.  God won’t let me.

But does that mean the church doesn’t matter anymore?  It’s history?  The comfort that comes with long held traditions?  The smell of incense and candles?  Being in community?

OMG. . .in so many ways. Does it have to be either or? Do I have to choose?  Do I need to pretend?  Do I have to “throw the baby out with the bath water?” 

Finally.  Finally.  This winding path had taken me to a secure  “both/and”.   God in church.  God in the sunsets.  

Is it necessary for me to be right in order that you be wrong?  Must I be wrong as a prerequisite for you being right?  Do judgements have to be “either/or”?   Or can my world have “one foot in/one foot out”?

And that is where I have landed.  Content to be who I am.  Content to let you be who you are.  God is in it all.                    

OMG. . .In So Many Ways.

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