Order plus Disorder, we have what I am calling Reorder. Reorder moves us forward in a positive way, but then sets the stage for the pattern to continue all over again. Even good Reorder, in time, becomes its own faulty Order and its own cracks will begin to show. The need for humility and creativity never stops.
Richard Rohr
These three words—recover, repair, and reimagine—remain at the center of my discernment process as I try to understand the evolution of my calling. My path is not linear. There are times I feel like I am chasing the shadow of something I cannot fully see. I wonder if that shadow is the Spirit of Divine Revelation.
Jennifer Bailey
Another Richard Rohr meditation that stops me. Challenges. Gets into my head. Won’t let go.
OMG. . .the cycle is never ending? You mean once I figure things out – I haven’t really?
Or do I figure things out? I’d like to think so. I love linear paths. Take me to the land of knowing. The mountain top of wisdom. The summit of “I’ve made it”. No more to learn.
Not so sure about this spiral idea. Change is fine when I land on Reorder/Reimagine. Made peace with the past. Mistakes forgiven. Life is good.
OMG. . .you mean even the pinnacle will need the process? Order. Disorder. Reorder.
I guess that leads to change. Another idea I haven’t fully grasped. Life is about change. Not static. Ever evolving. Constantly. And that includes me.
Order. Disorder. Reorder.
Recover. Repair. Reimagine.
OMG. . . In So Many Ways.
