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OMG. . .In So Many Ways

carol wawrychuk

Settling Into the New Year


Instill in us again,

Your hope in place of our despair,

Your peace where our hatred threatens,

Your joy amidst our depression,

Your love overwhelming our apathy.

Posted on “My Redeemer Lives”


End of January.  Already.  New Year’s resolutions – didn’t bother.

OMG. . .In So Many Ways. . .I know myself too well.  But that doesn’t mean I’m not reflecting.  Wondering. Questioning.  Yup – I’m still me!  Just not setting goals.  Too much pressure!

I did, however, think there WOULD be a little more peace in this New Year.  The election over and all.  Alas, appears not to be the case.

Still divisions.  Country.  States.  Cities.  Friends.  Family. 

Good Grief.  That’s all I have to say.  A little peace.  Please!

So, when I read the above.  Sunday morning.   I smiled.  I relaxed.  I breathed.   I felt peace. 

And for just that snippet, I settled into the New Year.  Not in charge.  Not in control.  Let go.  Acceptance.  All will be well, in time.

OMG. . .In So Many Ways. . .Instill in us again.  Whatever it is we need.  For peace.

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