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OMG. . .In So Many Ways

carol wawrychuk

Out of a Blue Funk. ..Well Maybe!

When we try to protect God, all we do is stop our understanding of God from growing and deepening, because if we are open to new discoveries in the world, within or without, it might change our comfortable image of God.

Madeleine L’Engle     The Genesis Trilogy     And It Was Good

Yes.  A Blue Funk Christmas.  And New Year. 

OMG. . .Pity Party in full swing.  Fractured ankle.  Clunky, uncomfortable, knee-high boot.  Christmas outfit.  New Years glitter.  Not complimentary to either.

Dog with a swollen paw.  Vacation at my “happy place” cut short.  Poor, poor me.  The pity party is in full swing.  Complete with a disco ball.

And then- and then   - there is God - jumping out of the box.  A Jack-in-the Box.   I’ve tried to shove him back in.  One crank of the handle and He’s out again. 

OMG. . .In So Many Ways.  I used to be able to hold Him down.  Not anymore.  Not sure what to do with that.  Adds to my pity party.  I want my comfortable image of God back.

But it just doesn’t happen.  And really?  Do I want to live with a static God?  To be honest, sometimes I think so.  Easier that way.  Just pray for a healed ankle.  Healthy dog.  More vacation at my “happy place”

OMG… perhaps a static God would pull me out of the blue funk.  Wouldn’t have to reflect, ponder, deepen, grow.

Maybe.  Just maybe.  Acknowledging and accepting this new way of being with God, is part of a cloud lifting.  It can be lonely – living with a Jack -in-the Box that doesn’t stay put.  Not like everyone else’s that does as they are told.

But my Jack-in-the Box God has moved me out of a blue funk. . .at least for today. Tomorrow will be what it will be!  Acceptance.

OMG. . .In So Many Ways. . .What a Journey!



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Jan 22
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I really appreciated this one, Carol. Thanks!

carol wawrychuk
Jan 22
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Thank you. Good to know we aren’t flying solo!!!

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