In the circle. Discussing Advent. Justice. At a Methodist Church. In Santa Fe, NM. My heart starts beating so hard. Do they notice? The other women in this circle? Do I share my thoughts? Ones I’ve pushed down for a long time?
OMG. . . In So Many Ways. Yes, I will!
I raise my hand. Even though we don’t raise our hands in this group.
“I need to say something. Not sure how you will take it. but I need to step out any way. For my own sanity”
OMG. . .In So Many Ways. . Here it goes.
“Well, this is what I believe. And don’t believe.”
I proceed to offer my thoughts on original sin, salvation, why Jesus died on a cross, who is in.. who is out. Gay couples. . .just to give us a start!
OMG. . .In So Many Ways. . .” There you have it. Throw me out of the group if you feel that is appropriate,"
“Do you think you are having a crisis of faith?” a woman asked.
“No! I’m feeling closer to God than I ever have!”
“Maybe a crossroads then?” she continued.
“Yes! A very good word – crossroads.”
And one by one, each woman in the circle nodded their heads in agreement. They felt the same way about the tenants of faith we grew up with. I wasn’t alone!
Then I read the closing blessing of our Advent Study by Kate Bowler.
How did she know this was what I needed to hear? What we all needed to hear. What an incredible journey
A Blessing for the Coming of Justice
Blessed are we, starting to see the
height and depth and breadth
of God’s love that includes all of us,
Even the not-so-perfect.
Blessed are you, Mary, for saying yes
to the big risk of being God’s dwelling place.
Blessed are we, like Mary,
starting to sing your own songs of joy
at the thought that maybe this Advent
we too can start to trust it,
to risk it, to live it out,
The love that decides to love first,
before it is earned or deserved,
The love that your incarnation
embodies to the full.
Blessed are we breathing
in the truth that we belong,
and so does everybody else.
Kate Bowler