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OMG. . In So Many Ways

carol wawrychuk

Light in the Silence

At first silence might only frighten us. In silence we start hearing voices of

darkness: our jealousy and anger, our resentment and desire for revenge, our

lust and greed, and our pain over losses, abuses, and rejections.. . . But if we

have the discipline to stay put and not let these dark voices intimidate us, they

will gradually lose their strength and recede into the background, creating space

for the softer, gentler voices of the light. They come from a very deep place and from very far.

They have been speaking to us since before we were born, and they reveal to us that there is no darkness in the One who sent us into the world, only light. They are part of God’s voice calling us from all eternity: “My beloved child, my favorite one, my joy.”

Henri Nouwen

What a beautiful passage. Henri Nouwen speaks of God in terms of love. God

speaks of us - his children - in those same terms.

OMG. . .Beloved. . . Favorite. . .Joy.

And then the reminder. Stay in the silence. There we can hear THE VOICE.

THE ONE that is coming from THE ONE. God’s voice that has been speaking to us.

Since we were born. Even before.

OMG. . .In So Many Ways…feels like a warm blanket. Maybe even a shield.

Darkness turns to light. And it is always there.

Do I allow myself to hear? Can I stop the distractions long enough? Give God

even a fraction of time. In silence? To hear what he is saying. Perhaps an

answer. A confirmation. A reassurance. A nudge.

But always . . . Always. . .My beloved child, my favorite one. My joy.

If I stay in the silence long enough. To hear. And take it in. From all eternity.

Darkness turns to light. THE VOICE claims me.

OMG. . In So Many Ways.

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