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carol wawrychuk

OMG. . .In So Many Ways

Choosing Joy

To choose joy does not mean to choose happy feelings or an artificial atmosphere of hilarity. But it does mean the determination to let whatever takes place bring us one step closer to the God of life.

Maybe this is what is so important about quiet moments of meditation and prayer. They allow me to take a critical look at my moods and to move from victimization to free choice.     

Henri Nouwen


Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer  Romans 12:12


OMG. . .In So Many Ways. . .Happy?  Joy?  Not the same?


I like happy.  When happy, I feel joy.  When joyful, I’m pretty much happy.  Thought it just happened. 


OMG. . .I need to choose? 


Think I’ve been doing a lot of that lately.  Life changes.  Seasons pass.  New ones begin.

Grieving what was.  Wishing.  Hoping. Seasons didn’t have to pass.  But they do.


And I get to choose what I do with that.  God gives free choice. 


OMG. . .In So Many Ways. . .Choosing joy.  Doesn’t mean everything turns out okay.  That I’m suddenly in tune.  But it does put my foot on a new path.  From victimization to free choice.


I love when God knows what I need to hear. 


OMG. . .In So Many Ways . . .choosing joy.  How about you?  Maybe just for today?  Or the next few minutes? 

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Nov 14
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

LOVE this quote: They allow me to take a critical look at my moods and to move from victimization to free choice.     

Henri Nouwen

Perfectly worded! Love, AM

carol wawrychuk
Nov 15
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Quite freeing if we can remind ourselves often enough!


Nov 11
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

As always, I too read Henri yesterday and shared with a depressed friend.🙏❤️🥰

carol wawrychuk
Nov 15
Replying to

Nouwen is so profound he always speaks such words of wisdom

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