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In So Many Ways. . . I watch for the ripples.

Writer's picture: Carol WawrychukCarol Wawrychuk

“The greatest teacher of God’s presence in our life is our life.” - James Finley

“We do not know God by thinking, but by encountering” - John of the Cross

It’s hard not to be reminded of all that’s wrong in the world. Politics. Homelessness. Wars.

Violence of all kinds. The list could take up the entire page. I was recently asked. “What are you doing about any of this?” The only thing I can do. . .

OMG. . .In So Many Ways. . . I watch for the ripples.

A pastor noticing my difficulty in going up the steps to the chancel area for a contemplative service. No railings to hold while making the climb. The following week he had moved the table altar and chairs down to the floor.

OMG. . .In So Many Ways. . .a ripple. . .to pass along.

While having dinner with a friend, one of the staff recognized him from some ten years prior. My friend had helped this young man when his family was falling apart. That many years later he remembered my friend’s name.

OMG. . . In So Many Ways. . .another ripple. . .to pass along.

And then there are the small every day ripples. A car stopping to let me walk by in a parking lot. A gentleman asking if he could take my shopping cart back into the store.

Every once in a while, I hope can create ripples when I donate to a cause. Send a card, just because. Send flowers of cheer, just because. Come alongside in times of crises.

OMG. . .In So Many Ways. . .ripples of my own. Ripples from others.

OMG. .. In So Many Ways. . . Kindness ripples. . .The presence of God Ripples.

Cherish them. Pass them along.

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