Sitting in my morning spot. Enjoying the quiet. Reveling in the sky. My usual early encounters.
Turning on my very old laptop. I mean retirement days 2013. Old. It blinks and sputters a bit. Eventually it says good morning back.
So I’m reading Richard Rohr’s meditation on “The Hero’s Journey”. We must leave home. Go through changes. Return home in a new way.
OMG. . .In So Many Ways. . .Order – Disorder-Reorder.
Sounds a little like my story. Actually a lot like my story.

Never been one for change. Keep life status quo, thank you. I’m doing just fine.
OMG. . .In So Many Ways. . .La Canada to Santa Fe. After 46 years in the same house. Maybe a “Hero’s Journey”?
So my ponderings continue until I see another document on my screen. Showing up behind my email page. Click. A poem I wrote eleven years ago. Three years before our move.
OMG. . .In So Many Ways. How did that pop up? I had forgotten I even wrote it.
Perhaps this sputtering old laptop knew what I needed to read.
Perhaps God knew.
Gives me chills
OMG. . .In So Many Ways.